Thursday 26 April 2007

Being Too Religious

I tend to have very strong views on what it is to be religious, and what it is to have faith.

Some people would say I have 2 religions- Catholicism and Wolverhampton Wanderers! And, to be fair, I would agree (lol)

I am a devout Catholic, and attend church every Sunday. I am proud of my religion and I am not scared to tell people that I am Catholic. At the end of the day, if you believe in something you should not be scared to proclaim it, but I do believe there are boundaries.

You see people about who try to force their religion on people. It is about how you deal with these people that is key. Some people say the Jehovah's Witness are forceful, but I disagree. They are just spreading their message, in the same was that a politician or a salesman would go door to door. Explain to them your position (e.g. Sorry, I am Catholic), and they understand and wish you a good day. Other people are not so kind though!

There is a man in Wolverhampton, a bit of a local celeb, who used to go by the name of 'the Cowboy'. He used to spend his days roaming the streets of Wolverhampton in a cowboy hat, generally just chatting to anyone who would listen, claiming that he was a cowboy. He now claims he is a re-formed character and that we should all follow the God that he believes has changed his ways. Just the other day I saw him arguing with a man who was preaching for the 'Latter Day Saints'. He told the preacher that he was not using the gospel correctly. For someone who was supposedly a re-formed Christian, he was getting very angry. Surely you cannot tell someone that their religion is wrong!

I do believe that religion can be taken too far, and that people who carry out actions of terror in the name of religion is wrong. But can people be too religious-I'm not sure!

An interesting article about being too religious appears on this American website. A film made by a church has been slammed with a PG rating for simply being 'too religious'.
Well worth a read!

1 comment:

Arsenal Till I Die said...

hi, i enjoyed reading your post on being too religious... (im listening 2 blues vs sheff weds on the radio and theyre playing justin timberlake'whats goes around'..what a pansy team!!..sorry jus had 2 tell u made me laugh)...
back to ur blog...!..i agree with what u said about being proud to tell people what faith u follow because well why should you be embarresed about the way you live, in essence our religion (and football teams!) is a way of life.

i also agree the religion should not be used as a cover for violence, terrorism etc etc. religions are meant to preach peace and harmony. My religion Islam is known as a religion of peace, and when stupid so called Muslims do terrorist attacks and suicide bombing in the name of Islam,its embaressing as well as wrong because that is far from what Islam teaches.. they come up with their made up teaching and try to pass it out as religion. its ridiculous.

and ur right about what u said about that cowboy guy,if hes meant to be a reformed christian,why is he gettin so worked up?? if you have faith in your religion you dont have to force it upon others!