Wednesday 9 May 2007

Comment: Lying by Mark Preston

Little white lies are ok I suppose Mark, but lies only spiral out of control. You don't know who you have told things and who you haven't and after a while it just becomes a joke.
The answer: be honest ;)

Comment: Paedophiles by snatchli

I think the punishments do need to be stronger, but awareness is not the best in Britain. It has always been the case that Britain tends to ignore things that are considered to bad to talk about and this one of those topics!

Comment: Bad Comedians by Jessica Hudson

We have all gotta have a good laugh every now and again, and sometimes laughing at ourselves and others is what we do. At the end of the day, if you take it with a pinch of salt, then there's no harm done!

Monday 7 May 2007

Bad Comedians: Al Murray

Al Murray: The Pub Landlord is one of Britain's best loved comedians, and is one of my personal favourites. In the lecture on Bad Comedians, Al Murray was presented as bad for discussing topics such as national heritage, and values of other countries.

In my opinion, Al Murray is the antidote to modern day politically correct Britain. Al Murray more than anything else presents himself as this larger than life character to allow us to see how ludicrous some of the expectations these days are. As the profile below goes to prove, he is a well educated man who has found significant success with his stand up shows and television series!

"After studying History at Oxford and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Stewart Lee, Ben Moor and Richard Herring in the Oxford Revue, Murray wrote for Week Ending and Spitting Image, and started to work as a solo act.

He supported Frank Skinner on his world tour of 1992, taking his act (based around sound effects) with him, but soon became bored with the rigidity of his material. Fortunately, in the same year, he met Harry Hill at a Radio 4 commissioning meeting. After subsequently performing stand up with Murray at the Edinburgh Festival, Hill asked him to come up with an act for his Pub Internationale show.

In 1994, Murray created the Pub Landlord. He appeared as Harry Hill's big brother Alan in The Harry Hill Show from 1997-2000. After a wrangle as to whether he was 'too famous' to win it, Murray won the Perrier Award with a show based around the Pub Landlord character in 1999. This led to stage shows including And A Glass Of White Wine For The Lady, My Gaff, My Rules and Who Dares Wins. He also completed the television series Time, Gentlemen, Please."
Al Murray In Profile: BBC 2004

Below is a link to one of Al Murray's shows to allow you to make up your own mind about a man who I think is a comedy genious!

Thursday 3 May 2007


In the lecture we were asked if gambling was 'bad'. We were also told that we were all gamblers.

I myself am an occasional gambler. I enjoy going to the greyhound racing and sometimes having a bet on the football, but I am not what I would call a serious gambler. I am also only keen on things that I have some kind of control over. For example, I have a knowledge on football, so I know that 999 times out of 1000, if Chelsea are playing Walsall, Chelsea will win. I can work out how good the odds are becuase I know football.

I have never really been interested in things like Roulette where you have no real idea where the ball is going to land. Betting on sport, at least you have some idea who is going to do what.

At the end of the day, the key to gambling is knowing your limits. If I go to the dogs, I set myself a limit of what I am going to bet on that night. I know then I will not exceed that limit. It is when people don't have a limit when they cannot afford it when gambling can be construed as bad. People who get the gambling bug can be drawn in.

Now with online gambling and bookmakers on every street corner, people are finding it easier than ever to be drawn in and sometimes cannot find a way out.

In my opinion, gambling is not bad, but people must know their limits if they are to begin to gamble!

This website is a UK based organisation that helps people with gambling addictions.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Bad Cinema: Kids

If you want to encompass so much that could be termed ‘Being Bad’ into one movie, the perhaps ‘Kids’ is exactly that movie. The film follows a day in the life of Telly who is only interested in ‘deflowering as many virgins as possible’. The opening scene sees Telly in bed with a young girl convincing her to have sex, even though she is petrified about becoming pregnant. He professes that he loves her and will care for her, but soon after he is bragging about his act to Casper.

“Kids like him do exist. He is evil in a way, but probably doesn't no better in another way and how Leo Fitzpatrick handles the character is great. There is a scene with his mother that will say enough about how he grew up. The movie introduces another girl who only slept with Telly in her life. She is tested positive on HIV and wants to find Telly to talk to him about it. We follow her in some conversations and on parties as well and we get the idea how the lives of all those kids are. The same time Telly tries to get another girl into his bed. She is the sister of one of his friends.

The movie doesn't have a real story but the things we see speak for themselves. The movie warns you for the danger of HIV and things like that, it shows what can happen when parents are not at all involved in their kids lives and it shows what alcohol and drugs can do. The last things is showed in one of the closing scenes and it really is disturbing.”
The Movie Database, 2001

It has to be said that some of the things in the movie can be interpreted to be worse than they actually are in the context of such a shocking film. Most people have been drunk at least once in their lives, but it the way that some of the characters handle the situations that lead to a conclusion of ‘Being Bad’.The film is a shocking indictment, but it does expose some of the most shocking goings-on in society and bring them to the fore in people’s minds.

This is not the sort of easy going film that you would take the family to see, but it does tackle some horrible ideas that do happen. Perhaps for me, in this film, I have seen the closest to ‘BEING BAD’ out of all of the lectures.
This website gives a really interesting review of the film:

Monday 30 April 2007

Comment: Response to Jared Linekar's Hooliganism Blog

Anyone that thinks that Hooliganism is resigned to the 70's and 80's are kidding themselves.It is still alive and a major factor in the English game.

Anyone who saw the Bravo documentaries last year would realise how vibrant hooliganism still is, and the roll it plays in the English game.

Religion and Relationships

Whilst looking around for information on people who are considered to be 'too religious', I came across this website which looks at the issues surrounding religion and relationships.

The website looks at all the issues surrounding religion and what affect that has on people's friendships, working relationships and sexual relationships.
This extract from the website perfectly describes the issues that people can be faced with
"The ideal scenario would be that, should they both be religiously conservative, they are in agreement with each other regarding their spiritual views and how they apply them to their shared lives together.
Yet, there are those who find themselves with someone who, because of certain religious convictions, limit the desires of the other person for a more vibrant and "worldy" kind of lifestyle. Of course, those who see themselves as being more spiritual immediately assume that the other person's dissatisfaction stems from some kind of spiritual failure.
Some even go so far as to accuse their mates of having evil desires that are immoral and sinful. If that is indeed the case, then the religious partner is justified. However, it might very well be that the repressive religious views held by one partner are being forced upon a not-so-willing mate.
Such people see things only in black and white--never realizing how many beautiful pastels and bright colors fill the world. Furthermore, the more extreme they are in their religious views, the more judgemental and critical they become. Some fundamentalists (regardless of whether they are Christian, Muslim, or otherwise) view someone who is a social drinker or enjoys going out dancing with their mates as being in opposition to the very will of God, despite the otherwise clear teachings of the Scriptures (e.g. Jesus turning water into wine and David dancing). "
It becomes obvious the more that you look into the subject that religion can play a certain role, not just in a persons own life, but also those that surround them.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Being Too Religious

I tend to have very strong views on what it is to be religious, and what it is to have faith.

Some people would say I have 2 religions- Catholicism and Wolverhampton Wanderers! And, to be fair, I would agree (lol)

I am a devout Catholic, and attend church every Sunday. I am proud of my religion and I am not scared to tell people that I am Catholic. At the end of the day, if you believe in something you should not be scared to proclaim it, but I do believe there are boundaries.

You see people about who try to force their religion on people. It is about how you deal with these people that is key. Some people say the Jehovah's Witness are forceful, but I disagree. They are just spreading their message, in the same was that a politician or a salesman would go door to door. Explain to them your position (e.g. Sorry, I am Catholic), and they understand and wish you a good day. Other people are not so kind though!

There is a man in Wolverhampton, a bit of a local celeb, who used to go by the name of 'the Cowboy'. He used to spend his days roaming the streets of Wolverhampton in a cowboy hat, generally just chatting to anyone who would listen, claiming that he was a cowboy. He now claims he is a re-formed character and that we should all follow the God that he believes has changed his ways. Just the other day I saw him arguing with a man who was preaching for the 'Latter Day Saints'. He told the preacher that he was not using the gospel correctly. For someone who was supposedly a re-formed Christian, he was getting very angry. Surely you cannot tell someone that their religion is wrong!

I do believe that religion can be taken too far, and that people who carry out actions of terror in the name of religion is wrong. But can people be too religious-I'm not sure!

An interesting article about being too religious appears on this American website. A film made by a church has been slammed with a PG rating for simply being 'too religious'.
Well worth a read!

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Who is Pretty Boy Floyd?

Charles Arthur Floyd was born in Adairsville, Georgia, where he lived on the street for much of his formative years. His unconventional early life continued when he moved to Oklahoma and was married by the age of 17.

Where the unconventional child became the world famous bank robber is unsure, but there are two popular theories. The first is that Floyd was struck down by a Sheriff and Floyd used crime as away of getting back at the law. The second theory sites simple poverty for Floyd’s need for crime.

It is believed that he committed his first robbery when he was just 18, when he stole $350 from a post office. From this led other crimes which eventually saw him in jail for 3 years, after being caught for payroll robbery.

When he was released from prison, Floyd vowed never to see the inside of a prison again, but this statement of intent did not mean he was intending on going straight. Teaming up with many of the established criminals in the Kansas City area, Floyd masterminded some of the most lucrative bank robberies ever, and gain the nickname “Pretty Boy”

After a string of highly successful ‘jobs’, Floyd was caught in Ohio whilst carrying out a robbery. Sentenced to 15 years in prison, Floyd escaped on his way to jail to re-form the gang and continue the lucrative crime spree. Labeled public enemy by the FBI, Floyd was blamed for many a robbery that he didn’t commit, such was his legend.

Floyd would lie low near his home town in between robberies, protected by his friends and family. His protection was sealed by his generous nature and a general hatred of banks by the population, although the press claimed that he simply bribed them into silence.

After narrowly escaping ambush by the FBI several times, Floyd was killed on October 22, 1934, when FBI agents shot him near East Liverpool, Ohio. As is the case with many aspects of Floyd's life, the circumstances surrounding his final moments are disputed. According to the FBI, Floyd died cursing his killers to the end. However, Chester Smith, the sharpshooter who felled Floyd, stated in a 1984 interview that after he had (deliberately) wounded, but not killed, Floyd, Melvin Purvis questioned him briefly and then ordered him shot at point-blank range. This is extremely controversial, because, if true, Purvis effectively executed Floyd without benefit of judge or jury.

Floyd's body was placed on public display in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. His funeral was attended by between twenty and forty thousand people, and remains the largest funeral in Oklahoma history. He was buried in Akin, Oklahoma.

Since then Floyd has been celebrated in film and song, and despite his lengthy list of crimes remains a folk hero, and lies up there in the category of loveable rogue with Robin Hood and Bonnie and Clyde!

Monday 23 April 2007

Robin Hood- Celebrated and Debated. But who is he?

“Robin is famous for his gallantry, robbing the rich to feed the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. Anyone who knows of Robin has also heard the stories of his outlaw band. The names of Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid Marion, Allan a Dale, Will Scarlet, Much the Miller and the evil Sheriff of Nottingham are as much a part of the legend as Robin Hood himself.

The stories of Robin portray him as a fearless outlaw leading his band of "merry men" (and women) against the tyranny of Prince John, The Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisbourne. A brilliant archer, Robin lived a life of adventure - poaching the King's deer from the outlaws' retreat in Sherwood Forest.

Stories about the adventures of Robin have been told and retold for over six hundred years. In Robin's time, few people could read or write and consequently little was written down about the exploits of our hero. Instead, people learnt about Robin and his band through the ballad and song of wandering minstrels who weaved a patchwork of fact and fiction into the contemporary culture of the time.”
(The World Wide Robin Hood Society)

Much of what we now know and take as truth regarding the life or Robin Hood, derive from tales passed down through the generations over the centuries. Perhaps more than anything, our perceptions of Robin Hood are guided by the media.

Cary Elwes, Kevin Costner, Jonas Armstrong- These are the Robin Hood’s of my generation. Even Walt Disney has his part to play in my discernment of who or what Robin Hood was.

Whether fact or fiction, the legend of Robin Hood still lives on, and who knows how much longer he will live on, and who will be playing the part, re-telling the legend!

A brilliant article, connected to Robin Hood, appeared in the Daily Telegraph, and talks about what is known as the Robin Hood effect!

Saturday 21 April 2007

Bandits And Outlaws: Bonnie And Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde were perhaps a couple made for each other. Drawn together by the economic depression that swept across America, the two were a revolutionary influence in a very controlled world. Clyde was an angry man, a killer who always attempted to justify his murders as a release of stress that was for the greater good. Bonnie was somewhat of an anti-heroine as a woman who was not scared of the law.

As their notoriety grew, the two shot their way out of holes, growing increasingly closer the more and more they did. They always contended that they killings they committed were not personal, but the government didn’t exactly agree and put a price on their heads!

The country’s depression was a shroud over the country and the ‘American Dream’ was something of a distant memory. Milner explains- "Gaunt dazed men roamed the city streets seeking jobs...Breadlines and soup kitchens became jammed. (In rural areas) foreclosures forced more than 38 percent of farmers from their lands (while simultaneously) a catastrophic drought struck the Great Plains...By the time Bonnie and Clyde became well known, many had felt the capitalistic system had been abused by big business and government officials...Now here were Bonnie and Clyde striking back."

The American nation was drawn to Bonnie and Clyde’s Robin Hood style heroics, and Bonnie herself was the unique element that all women felt they could relate to. They were stealing not only money but the limelight from conventional celebrities and their rebellious counterparts such as Pretty Boy Floyd.
"Anybody who robbed banks or fought the law were really living out some secret fantasies on a large part of the public." (Historian Jonathan Davis)

Even more than their insurgence against their status in life was Bonnie and Clyde’s devotion to their own. With police and government detectives constantly on their trails, sometimes literally by inches, they time and time again risked their own lives to protect the other.

They never ever forgot their roots and family however, and often run the risk of capture to return home to see their families and share their hoards. The chase was part of the thrill for Bonnie and Clyde, and they always carried a camera to picture their dramatic getaways. Infact when they died, police found an undeveloped roll of film with photos of them together.

They knew they were going to die, maybe next week, maybe next month. Maybe in the morning. They never pretended they might be the only exception to the standard, "Crime doesn’t pay". But, because they knew their time was limited -- their crime spree lasted less than two years -- they decided to let all hell break loose in the meantime. Bonnie’s last request to her mother was, "Don’t bring me to a funeral parlour. Bring me home."

Bonnie and Clyde-America’s answer to Robin Hood!
This website is an invaluable resource concerning Bonnie and Clyde. It is the FBI's website for famous cases!!!

Wednesday 7 March 2007


As far as I am concerned, infidelity is what it is, it is wrong.

If you are in a relationship where you feel the need to be with someone else, you should not be in that relationship. If people feel that they have to cheat, then their relationship is obviously not strong enough for them to talk to their partner to sort things out.

If a relationship gets to a point where you can no longer be with the other person, then come to a resoultion. In my opinon, cheating on someone is one of the worst things that anyone could ever do.

It does seem however that infidelity is on the rise, as demonstrated by this website, which lays out infidelity statistics

Thursday 1 March 2007


Now I know Wikipedia is a bit "taboo" at uni, but this run down really reflects the historical permutations that are connected with masturbation.

It also discusses some of the moral and religious arguments that surround masturbation. One of the main moral arguments comes from Immanuel Kant. He dismissed masturbation as a 'violation of one's duty to himself'.

The site also focuses on the prevention of sexual acts, such as the devices that were discussed in lecture.

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Peep Show: Stalking

Peep Show, 2005, Channel 4

When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking?
Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate? Which ones aren't?

In the case of Peep Show, the scenes created and continued throughout the series, are created for comic affect. It does however question how far people will go to find out information on someone in an attempt to grow closer to them.

In this scene, we see continued attempts to hack into email accounts and even spying on a married next door neighbour. Personal accounts, such as email, are meant to be private and the fact that the character hacked them is a totally lack of trust and breech of privacy. Although funny, if this were to happy in real life it would raise serious questions about an individuals ethics and true feelings towards the object of there affection.

The actions witnessed in Peep Show over step the line, and defiantly fall into the category of inappropriate observance.

Breakfast At Tiffany's: Prostitution

Breakfast At Tiffany's, 1961, Paramount Pictures

Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supply?
If it isn't, then is it more or less socially respectable?
If it is, what is a reasonable charge?

In my opinion, these questions are totally wide of the mark in the context of the film in question. In 1961, it would have been common place for a man to take a women out and pay for everything, even buy her a gift to commemorate the night. In this way I doubt that prostitution was ever bought into question at the time, and shouldn't be now. Although modern interpretation's have added this spin onto the classic movie, I find it hard to believe that this was Edwards' intention.

If we ask the question purely in terms of modern society, some conclusions can be drawn, although we can still not be certain. As with everything cases differ, but surely, unless a woman specifically says that sex will be involved, it is merely the assumption of the man that it will be. Any attempt to pay for a night out could be interpreted as old fashioned good manners/chivalry.

If however, the women exclaims that sex will be involved then perhaps it is deceit and the man would have been conned. If he is led along, and then nothing materialises then perhaps it is deciet, but whether this is more respectable is questionable. I would argue that any attempt to simply sell the sacred act of sex is disgraceful.

Family Guy: Shoplifting

'Breaking Out Is Hard To Do', Family Guy, 2005, Fox

Is shoplifting different to any other kind of theft?
Why do people who can afford things choose to shoplift?

In the case of Lois in Family Guy, we can see that her shoplifting started out as merely a ploy to feed her family, but the rush that she receives from that initial act sees her continue to shoplift. Perhaps this explains why people who can afford to buy products steal them, it is a pure rush and a fight against the establishment, a victimless crime.

Perhaps this is the case, but does this excuse the act. If a starving person steals food that they cannot afford, perhaps we can excuse this, but Lois' initial act was an act of greed. Is this the case for those who shoplift that can afford to buy the item, is it merely greed?

I am not sure that this topic offers a clean cut yes/no answer, and cases differ from person to person. Indeed, is it as much of a crime to steal a chocolate bar as it is to steal a car from a showroom. Similar act, different outcome.

In my opinion, people who can afford to buy items, but still choose to steal them need to ask questions of themselves and where they are going in life. Why would you risk a secure life for a stretch in prison? That is beyond me!

Comment: Jared's Football Trip Idea

Sound's good to me, after all, if we go to a Wolves game I can use my season ticket and it will cost me naffin :D


Tuesday 13 February 2007

Smoking: My View

Until you have been affected by the perils of smoking, do you really know it is all about?

My uncle is currently recieving treatment for stomach cancer caused by smoking. It is such a rare cancer that at this point they don't know how much they can do to save him. I have seen a strong, healthy 51 year old, have the life drawn out of him. He stopped smoking 15 years ago, but the damage was done. He used to play cricket every week, now he struggles to climb the stairs. At 51, he doesn't know how long he has left, leaving a family destroyed.

I have sympathy for that generation. They didn't really know the perils that smoking brings with it. People who choose to start smoking now however need their heads looking at. You may as well burn your money, it is certainly safer. I can't see one advantage to smoking, can you?

Cancer Research Website- Smoking Information

Being Bad: Night Out

I suggest a night out at Monmore Green for greyhound racing. The temptation for gambling and alcohol is all around and would really show how people are affected by gambling as the races are won and lost.

It is easily accessible by bus, car, taxi, or even a 30 minute walk from the city centre and the only cost would be any food, drink or gambling people wish to partake in.

It is a great night out and would reduce any costs of travelling around the country!

What do we think?????


Link to the Monmore Green website for more information